How to Participate

Most interaction with projects under the Pylons Project is done via the pylons-discuss mailing list, the #pyramid IRC channel on FreeNode, Stack Overflow questions tagged with the project's name (such as Pyramid or WebOb) and the Pylons organization on GitHub.

Reporting a Bug

When reporting a bug, be as thorough as possible. Including additional detail is encouraged. Bugs with a Pylons Project package should be reported in its issue tracker on GitHub.

1. Create a GitHub account

You will need to create a GitHub account to report the bug.

2. Determine if your bug is really a bug

You should not file a bug if you are:

3. Make sure your bug hasn't already been reported

Before creating an issue, search through the appropriate Issue tracker on GitHub. If you find a bug like yours, and it hasn't yet been fixed, check to see if you have new information that could be reported to help the developers fix it.

4. Collect information about the bug

To provide the developers with enough information to fix a bug, they'll need to be able to easily repeat the conditions and observe it themselves. The likelihood that a bug will be fixed is directly correlated to the developer's ability to create the conditions under which the bug may be observed.

Often a bug report should include a Python traceback (see a Python traceback). We will also need to know what platform you're running (Windows, macOS, Linux), and which Python interpreter you're running if it is not CPython (for example, Jython or Google App Engine).

5. Submit the bug

By default GitHub will email you to let you know when new comments have been made on your bug report. If you turned off this feature, you should check on occasion to ensure you do not miss any questions a developer might ask.

Issue Trackers

Bugs for each Pylons Project package are reported and tracked in their own GitHub issue tracker:

Other projects not listed follow the pattern:<projectname>/issues

Working on Code

To contribute new features and bug fixes, fork the package and make changes within a checkout of the forked repository. Then send a pull request. This allows the developers to review the patches and accept them, or comment on what needs to be addressed before the change sets can be accepted.